Pupil Premium

What an external reviewer said about the Pupil Premium Provision at St. Mary’s:


Pupil Premium is extra funding of up to £1455 to support your child’s education. At St. Mary’s we use the extra funding to provide pupils with fair and equal opportunities so that they achieve well in all areas of the school.  The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.

How we use Pupil Premium funds

Our aim is to provide first class education to develop and fulfil the potential of all pupils in our care, and faith development of our pupils is of paramount importance.

Our Mission Statement:

‘Learning to Live out our Calling with Compassion and Love’

At St. Mary’s we are passionate about the educational and personal development of your child. Pupil Premium funds are used to help the pupils in a lots of ways including academic and non-academic areas. These include:

Progress and Attendance
Senior leaders, class teachers, the Educational Welfare Worker and the office team all care for Pupil Premium pupils in our school. They support with excellent attendance at school, as attendance is strongly linked with academic progress.

Pupil Wellbeing, Aspiration and Opportunities
Part-funding for uniform and PE Kit so that the children can feel a part of our school community. Pupil Premium pupils also enjoy participating in sports clubs and 1:1 music tuition. Our Family Support Worker works closely with children weekly to provide emotional support and boost confidence skills. ‘Thrive’ sessions develop these skills further by teaching the children how to tackle difficult situations and stay in control of their emotions.

Progress and Attainment of all Pupil Premium Pupils
This includes extra staffing, intervention opportunities, funding of professional development opportunities for teachers and educational equipment so that we can provide outstanding teaching and learning for your child. Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) also help with pupil progress alongside the first class teaching in our school.
School educational visits and retreats to support the delivery of our broad and balanced curriculum
Making sure that pupils have access to opportunities to help their educational and personal development. This also includes sporting and musical opportunities, as well as visits to museums, Newcastle College and many other places linking to our history and geography topics.

Please note that Pupil Premium Funding is best used on providing best quality teaching and learning. This may also benefit other groups of pupils. (Pupil Premium Myths EEF Guidance, 2019).

Who can apply for Pupil Premium Funding?

Schools are given pupil premium for:

  • Children who have qualified for free school meals at any point in the past six years. The school receives £1455 for each of these children.
  • Children who are or have been looked after under local authority care for more than one day. These children are awarded a premium of £2530.
  • Children from service families who receive a child pension from the Ministry of Defence. They are awarded £340.

Can your child get the Pupil Premium? 

If you think that you may be entitled to receive Pupil Premium funding or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs Beeston or Pauline in the school office. 

You can also check if your child qualifies for the Pupil Premium by applying directly to the local authority by telephone (0300 111 8007) or online at https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Education/Educational-awards-benefits/FreeSchoolMeals/Apply-online.aspx  

Strategy Statement 2023-24