Diocesan inspection report said:
Progress and attainment of pupils in RE is good; the result of good teaching and outstanding behaviour of the children. They involve themselves wholeheartedly in opportunities to exercise their generosity in helping others.
Our Mission at St. Mary’s
The Catholic Life of the school is given the highest priority where the development of an authentic Catholic ethos is actively sought by all. Children are empowered to have a thorough understanding of the Church’s liturgical year, its seasons, rites and symbols. Within the school community, prayer has a profound and visible effect on the development of all pupils and staff irrespective of ability or faith background. As a school, we promote a love of faith; engaging and inspiring our children to take responsibility for promoting the Catholic ethos of our community whilst seeking to lead and develop this further. Developing a greater understanding of vocation is fundamental in giving our children a meaningful reason to live out their faith. Teachers ensure that children are provided with opportunities to develop their thinking and respond to questions of faith. Our school celebrates, develops and enhances the Catholic Life of our children and ensures our Catholic ethos underpins all that we do and strive to achieve.

Christ has no body on earth but ours. Ours are the hands with which He heals.
Ours are His eyes, His feet, His lips. Ours are the hearts through which He loves.
RE Curriculum Statement
RE Gallery
Examples of our RE work
We are extremely proud of the work that our children produce as part of the Learning and Growing as People of God scheme of work. Children are encouraged to make links between Catholic beliefs and teachings, scripture, Catholic Social Teaching and their own lives. A key focus in RE lessons is facilitating children to see that their learning helps them live out the Gospel messages in their lives today.
✝️ Thank you so much to The Fishers from St John Fisher Catholic College for leading a Confirmation Workshop with us. ✝️
We began by retrieving our knowledge of the Sacrament of Baptism and thought about how this links to our upcoming Confirmation.
We then looked at the story of Pentecost and reminded ourselves of the shock that the Disciples had when they were given the ability to speak in different languages – a power bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit. This then led to us produce our own piece of artwork depicting the fruits of the Spirit.
We now look forward to our Sacrament on Tuesday and are grateful to you for helping us to prepare! 🕊️
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Year 2 have been learning about the sacrament of marriage in RE today so we went to the chapel to reenact a wedding. The children had a great experience and there was a lovely atmosphere! #restm #year2 … See MoreSee Less
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Today, we have joined with schools in our Diocese to launch the Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope.
We all began our day exploring the theme of hope and what a Jubilee Year is for! We then joined the diocesan live stream where we joined as a community in prayer, hearing from Bishop Timothy and Archbishop Bernard on their thoughts for the Jubilee Year.
All year groups have reflected on a piece of scripture all about hope. The children did some thoughtful written work on their scripture and some of the children led us in a special liturgy dedicated to this scripture.
We also had great fun getting creative as each class has done a piece of artwork to create our own 'Holy Doors'.
Thank you to all the staff and children for their hard work and dedication.
'Let us celebrate the Jubilee Year with deep faith, lively hope and active charity.' (Pope Francis)
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Inspirational work ! Thought provoking, thank you for sharing!