Catholic Life

OUTSTANDING – CSI Report 5th May 2023

Our Mission at St. Mary’s

The Catholic Life of the school is given the highest priority where the development of an authentic Catholic ethos is actively sought by all. Children are empowered to have a thorough understanding of the Church’s liturgical year, its seasons, rites and symbols.  Within the school community, prayer has a profound and visible effect on the development of all pupils and staff irrespective of ability or faith background. As a school, we promote a love of faith; engaging and inspiring our children to take responsibility for promoting the Catholic ethos of our community whilst seeking to lead and develop this further. Developing a greater understanding of vocation is fundamental in giving our children a meaningful reason to live out their faith. Teachers ensure that children are provided with opportunities to develop their thinking and respond to questions of faith. Our school celebrates, develops and enhances the Catholic Life of our children and ensures our Catholic ethos underpins all that we do and strive to achieve.

Our Curriculum – Catholic Social Teaching Coverage 

Our whole school curriculum is centred around the principles of Building the Kingdom and Catholic Social Teaching. In principle, this means bringing the unchangeable values of the Gospel into an everchanging modern society. Our curriculum and pedagogical approach provides our children with a foundation to make the world a better place. Our children realise that they are not too young to make a difference and that each individual’s unique vocation is not for the future but for now. All of the children’s learning leads them towards answering one of these Big Questions at the end of each learning block. Please see our ‘Curriculum’ page to view our overviews and find more information.

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Congratulations to all our confirmands who received the sacrament this evening. It was wonderful to see you deepen your faith and we are so proud of you. Please keep our children in your prayers. 🕊️🔥✝️ #catholiclifestm #year6stm See MoreSee Less

Congratulations to all our confirmands who received the sacrament this evening. It was wonderful to see you deepen your faith and we are so proud of you. Please keep our children in your prayers. 🕊️🔥✝️ #catholiclifestm #year6stmImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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They all did so well!!

They all did really really well. Well done everyone xxxxxxxxx

Today our Minnie Vinnies , along with their leaders, Mrs Furnival and Miss Lowe, have been to Dougie Mac to join in with some arts and craft activities. A fun and uplifting experience was had by all and the children represented us beautifully!
#catholiclifestm #missiongroupsstm
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Today our Minnie Vinnies , along with their leaders, Mrs Furnival and Miss Lowe, have been to Dougie Mac to join in with some arts and craft activities. A fun and uplifting experience was had by all and the children represented us beautifully! 
#catholiclifestm #missiongroupsstmImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

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Great to have you all join us! Thanks for popping over! 💛🌻

✝️ Thank you so much to The Fishers from St John Fisher Catholic College for leading a Confirmation Workshop with us. ✝️
We began by retrieving our knowledge of the Sacrament of Baptism and thought about how this links to our upcoming Confirmation.
We then looked at the story of Pentecost and reminded ourselves of the shock that the Disciples had when they were given the ability to speak in different languages – a power bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit. This then led to us produce our own piece of artwork depicting the fruits of the Spirit.
We now look forward to our Sacrament on Tuesday and are grateful to you for helping us to prepare! 🕊️
#catholiclifestm #restm
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✝️ Thank you so much to The Fishers from St John Fisher Catholic College  for leading a Confirmation Workshop with us. ✝️
We began by retrieving our knowledge of the Sacrament of Baptism and thought about how this links to our upcoming Confirmation. 
We then looked at the story of Pentecost and reminded ourselves of the shock that the Disciples had when they were given the ability to speak in different languages - a power bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit. This then led to us produce our own piece of artwork depicting the fruits of the Spirit. 
We now look forward to our Sacrament on Tuesday and are grateful to you for helping us to prepare! 🕊️
#catholiclifestm #restmImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

Thank you to Sam from Dougie Mac who came into school today to give us the amazing news that we raised an astonishing £2440 when we collected bags in the “Bring it! Bag it!” initiative. This bring our total raised for Dougie Mac this academic year to £2987!!! This is a fantastic achievement so a huge thank you to all our St. Mary’s family for their continued support! #catholiclifestm See MoreSee Less

Thank you to Sam from Dougie Mac who came into school today to give us the amazing news that we raised an astonishing £2440 when we collected bags in the “Bring it! Bag it!” initiative. This bring our total raised for Dougie Mac this academic year to £2987!!! This is a fantastic achievement so a huge thank you to all our St. Mary’s family for their continued support! #catholiclifestmImage attachment

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Massive well done and thank you for your incredible support everyone! 👏 🌻

Thank you to all the parents who joined their children in Year 3 for the sacramental preparation retreat.

We discussed the 5 stages of the sacrament of Reconciliation and draw them on our hand print along with the act of contrition prayer that we are learning in preparation for when we make our first confession.

#catholiclifestm #year3stm
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Thank you to all the parents who joined their children in Year 3 for the sacramental preparation retreat.

We discussed the 5 stages of the sacrament of Reconciliation and draw them on our hand print along with the act of contrition prayer that we are learning in preparation for when we make our first confession.

#catholiclifestm #year3stmImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

Today, we have joined with schools in our Diocese to launch the Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope.

We all began our day exploring the theme of hope and what a Jubilee Year is for! We then joined the diocesan live stream where we joined as a community in prayer, hearing from Bishop Timothy and Archbishop Bernard on their thoughts for the Jubilee Year.

All year groups have reflected on a piece of scripture all about hope. The children did some thoughtful written work on their scripture and some of the children led us in a special liturgy dedicated to this scripture.

We also had great fun getting creative as each class has done a piece of artwork to create our own 'Holy Doors'.

Thank you to all the staff and children for their hard work and dedication.

'Let us celebrate the Jubilee Year with deep faith, lively hope and active charity.' (Pope Francis)

#restm #catholiclifestm #prayerandliturgystm
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Today, we have joined with schools in our Diocese to launch the Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope.

We all began our day exploring the theme of hope and what a Jubilee Year is for! We then joined the diocesan live stream where we joined as a community in prayer, hearing from Bishop Timothy and Archbishop Bernard on their thoughts for the Jubilee Year.

All year groups have reflected on a piece of scripture all about hope. The children did some thoughtful written work on their scripture and some of the children led us in a special liturgy dedicated to this scripture. 

We also had great fun getting creative as each class has done a piece of artwork to create our own Holy Doors.

Thank you to all the staff and children for their hard work and dedication.

Let us celebrate the Jubilee Year with deep faith, lively hope and active charity. (Pope Francis)

#restm #catholiclifestm #prayerandliturgystmImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Inspirational work ! Thought provoking, thank you for sharing!

📚Today, the Year 6 librarians took part in Y6’s Catholic Life Pledge which focused on restocking the Woodland Library at school utilising Newcastle’s charity shops! This pledge not only supported our local charities but also was a great way to sustainably stock up on books and support CAFOD’s Live Simply campaign. The librarians managed to purchase 268 books for our library! After visiting so many shops and carrying all of the books, they were treated to a hot chocolate for their hard work! Thank you to the PTFA for funding our pledge.

The librarians were stopped by a member of the public who was blown away by their behaviour and then was wowed to find out about our Catholic Life Pledge! She was so impressed that she even donated three books to our cause! Thank you so much! 📚 #year6stm #catholiclifestm #readingstm #readingforpleasurestm #ptfastm Oxfam PDSA Cancer Research UK Air Ambulance Dougie Mac
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📚Today, the Year 6 librarians took part in Y6’s Catholic Life Pledge which focused on restocking the Woodland Library at school utilising Newcastle’s charity shops! This pledge not only supported our local charities but also was a great way to sustainably stock up on books and support CAFOD’s Live Simply campaign. The librarians managed to purchase 268 books for our library! After visiting so many shops and carrying all of the books, they were treated to a hot chocolate for their hard work! Thank you to the PTFA for funding our pledge. 

The librarians were stopped by a member of the public who was blown away by their behaviour and then was wowed to find out about our Catholic Life Pledge! She was so impressed that she even donated three books to our cause! Thank you so much! 📚 #year6stm #catholiclifestm #readingstm #readingforpleasurestm #ptfastm Oxfam PDSA Cancer Research UK Air Ambulance Dougie MacImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

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How wonderful! Thank you for visiting one of our charity shops, helping poorly pets in need with every book purchase. Happy reading all ❤️

We saw them in the library. They were very polite x

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