What Ofsted said about maths at St. Mary’s:
‘The teaching of Mathematics across the school in particularly effective. Teachers use a range of resources to provide pupils with explicit models to support their learning. Because of this, pupils can relate and apply what they have learned in a variety of contexts. This deepens pupils’ understanding.’

Maths Curriculum Statement
Cultural Capital in Maths
Maths Gallery
UKMT Junior Maths Challenge
This challenge is a 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenge. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think. The problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are designed for children between Year 6 and Year 9.

Congratulations to our Junior Maths Challenge winners for 2024!
Bronze – Gab
Bronze – Janetta
Bronze – Savio
Bronze – Kylie
Bronze – Rianne
Bronze – Sabrina
Silver – Jessica
Gold – Darius
We have been blown away by the amount of awards won this year… it really shows how well you have focused on your maths studies during your time in Year 6.
BBC Radio Stoke

Year 6 children took part in recording for BBC Radio Stoke’s ‘No Fuss Eleven Plus’ challenge. They had to test the public on their mathematical knowledge and see how well they would get on, if faced with the SATs questions that the children have to answer. We enjoyed meeting the presenters and having a tour of the station afterwards. Listen out for us on the radio!
Year 1 have had an amazing NSPCC number day ! We started with counting how many laps of the golden mile we could do in 5 minutes . Then we enjoyed lots of Maths activities indoors and outdoors . We created shape pictures, had fun learning about symmetry, added dots on dominoes and explored capacity too ! The children commented this was the best day ever ! #year1stm #mathsstm
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Nursery have had so much fun on NSPCC number day. They started the day listening to rock music and showing off their fantastic outfits. They measured, made patterns, sorted objects and sequenced nursery rhymes and then finished the day searching for 2D shapes in the environment. Well done Nursery rockstars and rappers! #mathsstm #nspccnumberday #eyfsstm … See MoreSee Less
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Our very own number day rapper – it’s Mrs P in da house , come on children come and rap with me ! #nspccnumberday #mathsstm #year1stm #year2stm … See MoreSee Less
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Oh wow I love it 👏 Get it Mrs P ❤️ 🤘
Very good xxx
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As part of NSPCC number day, Year 3 and 4 have been learning some dance routines to number songs! Take a look at our version of 5,6,7,8… #mathsstm #year3stm #year4stm … See MoreSee Less
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❤️❤️love this! Laura Capewell Mark 'kp' Capewell💕💕
As part of their NSPCC Number Day activities, the children in Year 5 have visited Newcastle Cemetery. They looked carefully and respectfully at the graves to carry out an investigation to identify which centuries the people had passed away in. After, they created a tally chart of their findings. The children behaved very respectfully and were complimented by members of the public. #mathsstm #year5stm … See MoreSee Less
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Amongst an array of exciting Maths activities, Year 2 have had great fun today playing ‘odd and even popcorn’. #year2stm #mathsstm … See MoreSee Less
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As part of NSPCC Number day, Reception have been on a shape hunt around the school to see all of the different 2D and 3D shapes they can find! #mathsstm #nspccnumberday #eyfsstm … See MoreSee Less
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As part of NSPCC number day, the children in Year 4 have taken part in a variety of maths based activities outdoors. These included shape spotting, finding numbers to make 100, treasure hunting and skipping. #mathsstm #nspccnumberday #year4stm. … See MoreSee Less
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✝️💙 Year Six enjoyed their practical maths activity out at Newcastle Cemetery today. 💙✝️
They used their knowledge of seasons to identify whether there were any patterns in what time of year people passed. Members of the public commented on how respectful our children were whilst visiting.
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Welcome rockers and rappers!
To mark NSPCC day St Joseph’s spent the morning with a carousel of activities focussing on shape, pattern, measure and symmetry. All the children enjoyed practising their skills and using a range of language. Well done everyone 👌
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💙 🎸🧑🎤Kicking off the NSPCC Number Fun with a rap themed merit assembly! 🧑🎤🎸💙
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So funny 🤣
To finish their current Maths unit of fractions, Year 5 consolidated their learning by using their Oracy skills to spot deliberate mistakes in fractions based statements and questions. After spotting the mistakes, they then had to justify their reasoning behind the misconception and explain the correct answer. #mathsstm #year5stm #oracystm … See MoreSee Less
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As part of our Mastering Number Programme, Year 1 have used numicon to identify odd and even numbers. We sorted the numicon into odd and even groups, using our oracy skills to explain our reasoning to our partner.
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Today in maths Year 3 have been using the CPA (concrete, pictoral, abstract) approach to help us with dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. We used known number facts to help us and the stem sentence 'If I know ____ then I know'. #mathsstm #year3stm #oracystm … See MoreSee Less
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In our Mastering Number Programme session, Year 1 has been learning about composition and what makes nine . We worked with our 'Maths Mates' to explore different ways of making nine using Rekenreks, a part whole model, cubes, a ten frame , dice and even our fingers! Stem sentences helped us to organise our ideas and we spoke clearly when we shared our knowledge of making nine. #year1stm #mathsstm #oracystm … See MoreSee Less
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