Catholic Life

OUTSTANDING – CSI Report 5th May 2023

Our Mission at St. Mary’s

The Catholic Life of the school is given the highest priority where the development of an authentic Catholic ethos is actively sought by all. Children are empowered to have a thorough understanding of the Church’s liturgical year, its seasons, rites and symbols.  Within the school community, prayer has a profound and visible effect on the development of all pupils and staff irrespective of ability or faith background. As a school, we promote a love of faith; engaging and inspiring our children to take responsibility for promoting the Catholic ethos of our community whilst seeking to lead and develop this further. Developing a greater understanding of vocation is fundamental in giving our children a meaningful reason to live out their faith. Teachers ensure that children are provided with opportunities to develop their thinking and respond to questions of faith. Our school celebrates, develops and enhances the Catholic Life of our children and ensures our Catholic ethos underpins all that we do and strive to achieve.

Our Curriculum – Catholic Social Teaching Coverage 

Our whole school curriculum is centred around the principles of Building the Kingdom and Catholic Social Teaching. In principle, this means bringing the unchangeable values of the Gospel into an everchanging modern society. Our curriculum and pedagogical approach provides our children with a foundation to make the world a better place. Our children realise that they are not too young to make a difference and that each individual’s unique vocation is not for the future but for now. All of the children’s learning leads them towards answering one of these Big Questions at the end of each learning block. Please see our ‘Curriculum’ page to view our overviews and find more information.

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Yesterday, to celebrate The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we commemorated the visit of the Magi to worship baby Jesus as told in the Gospel of Matthew: “Behold, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’”
We carried out a procession of the three kings and the gifts to the crib where Jesus lay. The other children in the school will be invited to follow to visit baby Jesus. The pilgrimage of the Magi is an example for all who are called to journey with Jesus. 🤍#catholiclifestm
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🙏 Epiphany Liturgy 🙏
Thank you to Elizabeth, Sam, Cameron and Zofia for leading our Epiphany themed liturgy today. Hearing the story of the Wise Men and how they travelled such a distance to see baby Jesus reminded us of how we need to continue on our journeys in faith – getting ever closer to Him. It was also interesting to contemplate what gift we would present the Lord with if we were to visit the stable.
#catholiclifestm #prayerandliturgystm #year6stm
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🙏 Epiphany Liturgy 🙏
Thank you to Elizabeth, Sam, Cameron and Zofia for leading our Epiphany themed liturgy today. Hearing the story of the Wise Men and how they travelled such a distance to see baby Jesus reminded us of how we need to continue on our journeys in faith - getting ever closer to Him. It was also interesting to contemplate what gift we would present the Lord with if we were to visit the stable. 
#catholiclifestm #prayerandliturgystm #year6stmImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Today, Mrs Mellor and some of the Catholic Life leaders have marked the Epiphany tradition by the chalking and blessing of doors. We have done the same in each of our classrooms so each entrance is blessed ready for the new year!
We would love to see pictures of you and your family following this tradition. If you would like to send us a photo please send via Class Dojo. #catholiclifestm
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Today, Mrs Mellor and some of the Catholic Life leaders have marked the Epiphany tradition by the chalking and blessing of doors. We have done the same in each of our classrooms so each entrance is blessed ready for the new year! 
We would love to see pictures of you and your family following this tradition. If you would like to send us a photo please send via Class Dojo. #catholiclifestmImage attachmentImage attachment

A huge thank you to all of our families who donated a bag for the Dougie Mac “Bring it, Bag it!’ initiative! In total, 61 bags were collected which raised a value of £2440 for Dougie Mac!
Thank you for your continued support it is very much appreciated! #catholiclifestm
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A huge thank you to all of our families who donated a bag for the Dougie Mac “Bring it, Bag it!’ initiative! In total, 61 bags were collected which raised a value of £2440 for Dougie Mac! 
Thank you for your continued support it is very much appreciated! #catholiclifestm

In EYFS we linked up with Holy Trinity parish and pledged to make decorations for their Christmas tree. Mrs Ball took them to the church and we are proud that they will shine out for everyone to see!
#eyfsstm #catholiclifestm
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In EYFS we linked up with Holy Trinity parish and pledged to make decorations for their Christmas tree. Mrs Ball took them to the church and we are proud that they will shine out for everyone to see!
#eyfsstm #catholiclifestmImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Thank you to Sam and her wonderful team who came in this morning to host the Dougie Mac Christmas Roadshow!
We had so much fun singing carols, playing instruments, trying to wrap our tongues around some Christmas riddles and a game of heads and tails. We also performed a couple of our carol concert songs for our visitors and they were very impressed !
It really got us all in the Christmas spirit ready for our scrumptious Christmas dinner!
Thank you to all our families who donated £1 for Christmas Jumper Day! Dougie Mac #catholiclifestm
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Thank you to Sam and her wonderful team who came in this morning to host the Dougie Mac Christmas Roadshow! 
We had so much fun singing carols, playing instruments, trying to wrap our tongues around some Christmas riddles and a game of heads and tails. We also performed a couple of our carol concert songs for our visitors and they were very impressed ! 
It really got us all in the Christmas spirit ready for our scrumptious Christmas dinner! 
Thank you to all our families who donated £1 for Christmas Jumper Day! Dougie Mac #catholiclifestmImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Thanks so much for a lovely warm welcome and for your brilliant fundraising in support of Christmas Jumper Day! 🎄💛

A huge thank you to all of the families that were able to join us at Holy Trinity for our carol service. The Year 5 children read earnestly as they explained the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of the saviour, Jesus Christ. We wish you a blessed Christmas. #restm #year5stm #catholiclifestm See MoreSee Less

A huge thank you to all of the families that were able to join us at Holy Trinity for our carol service. The Year 5 children read earnestly as they explained the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of the saviour, Jesus Christ. We wish you a blessed Christmas. #restm #year5stm #catholiclifestm

A huge thank you to Mrs Furnival, Miss Lowe and our wonderful Minnie Vinnies who have spent the last few weeks creating Christmas craft, cards and cookies!
Today they have attended mass and have sold these in the community centre afterwards. Thank you to all our lovely parishioners who welcomed them . We have managed to raise just over £70 for the Dougie Mac!
#catholiclifestm #missiongroupstm
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A huge thank you to Mrs Furnival, Miss Lowe and our wonderful Minnie Vinnies who have spent the last few weeks creating Christmas craft, cards and cookies! 
Today they have attended mass and have sold these in the community centre afterwards. Thank you to all our lovely parishioners who welcomed them . We have managed to raise just over £70 for the Dougie Mac! 
#catholiclifestm #missiongroupstmImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Well done

As part of our Catholic Life Pledge for learning block two, Year 1 have worked creatively to make Christmas cards for the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church. Following mass today, two of our children showed the cards to Father Paul and handed them to out to members of the congregation. We hope their simple act of kindness will bring joy at this special time of year. #year1stm #catholiclifestm See MoreSee Less

As part of our Catholic Life Pledge for learning block two, Year 1 have worked creatively to make Christmas cards for the parishioners of Holy Trinity Church. Following mass today, two of our children showed the cards to Father Paul and handed them to out to members of the congregation. We hope their simple act of kindness will bring joy at this special time of year. #year1stm #catholiclifestmImage attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment
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