Young Writers – May 2024

Congratulations to Rian, Oscar, Poppy and Lola in Year 6 who have had their short stories published by Young Writers! They all wrote a short story about a crazy creature and are now published authors! Well done!
Young Writers – December 2023

A huge congratulations to Eva, Akshita, Jessica, Royce, Riyon, Johan, Toby and Rhys in Y6 for entering the Young Writers ‘Crazy Creatures’ competition and having their work chosen to be published! What an amazing achievement!
Young Writers – May 2023

Well done to Year 5 and Year 6 for entering the Rotary Club Young Writers Competition! Seven children were commended for their writing, seven children received highly commended, Sabrina in 5H received second place and Jessica in 5H received first place overall! The Rotary Club was thoroughly impressed with our writing at St Mary’s and has urged the children to become authors in the future! Wow!
Young Writers – January 2023

Congratulations to three of our talented writers in St. Rita’s class. They entered a Young Writer’s Competition with the theme ‘A Twist in the Tale’ and have been selected to have their work published in a book. Well done Jo, Darnell and Layla!
Writing Competition – The Door
Mysteriously, a door has appeared in the playground today. Nobody appears to know where it has come from, how it arrived, or where it leads to. The children will be discussing this all week through English to create some fantastic, imaginative writing!
Young Writers – March 2021

A massive congratulations to these children in St. Paul. During lockdown, they entered the Young Writer’s Competition – A Wander in the Woods. To no surprise, their fantastic writing skills shone through and their stories have been selected for publication. We are so proud of you all.
Poetry Stars – December 2022

Congratulations to the 3 winners from St. Patrick who have been successful in the Poetry Stars young writers competition 2022!
Well done to Alysa, Isabel and Feyin… the children will receive a bookmark, sticker and certificate to mark their achievement. Their work will be published in a book called ‘Poetry Stars-Time to Shine’ which will be published in January 2023. Well done children we are super proud of your winning work! Keep writing!
World Book Day Competition Winners 2021
Congratulations to our World Book Day Competition Winners. We hope you enjoy your new books. Thank you to everyone who entered and thank you to parents for your continuous support.
Reading gives us a place to go when we have to stay where we are – keep reading! 📖
Young Writers – December 2020

Here are our competition winners! Class 5O entered a Young Writers poetry competition called Perculiar Pets. Some of our entries have been chosen to be published in a book… go Year 5!
Young Writers – February 2020

Congratulations to our children in 5O who have had their written entries chosen for publication in the Young Writer’s competition. They had to write a poem based on the theme, ‘Out of this World’ – and that they truly were!
Young Writers – Autumn 2019

Congratulations to our brilliant writers from 6S who have had their entries chosen for publication as part of the Young Writers’ competition.