We answered the call to protect God’s creation by speaking up and speaking out about changes in our local environment. Unfortunately this year our school and our school community have experienced the unpleasant effects of a local landfill site. We feel strongly about protecting God’s creation and at times like these we know that we have to speak up about changes which can harm God’s creation. We want our plant to be sustainable and at the very least we need to be able to enjoy our planet and breathe healthy non polluted fresh air. The landfil has meant that local residents have needed to stay inside with their windows closed due to the foul smell being omitted from the landfill. Those with asthma and other medical conditions have struggled greatly.
Year 5 – Queen Elizabeth Park Clean-up

Year 5 completed their Catholic Life Pledge for this half term by caring for God’s creation and litter picking, in the shade, at Queen Elizabeth’s park. It was important for the children to show solidarity by playing a key part in their local community. The park is now looking clean and tidy so that other children can enjoy spending time there. After all this hard work, we enjoyed some summer games in the shade.
Year 5 – Stewardship of our Home

As part of our Catholic Life Project for Summer 1, we thought more about how we could be stewards of the earth and in particular of our school environment. As a year group, we scheduled time to tidy up our school grounds using litter pickers. It was amazing how much litter we found in the bushes, grids and the pedestrian zones around the site!
Human Rights Day

Year 6 took part in Human Rights Day which was based on the Catholic Social teaching principle of Human Dignity. The children chose a social cause which they were passionate about and made a placard to wear to school. They explored why human dignity and rights are so important considering the fact that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. They were also given the opportunity to talk about their chosen cause and explain why it is important to them. We discussed how the common good helps us to fight for everyone’s human rights. All of the children pledged to ensure they stand up for any kind of injustice that they see in the world, as well as writing some powerful thoughts regarding this subject.
Looking after the Ocean – World Ocean Day
We know that 70% of God’s wonderful plant is covered by the ocean. The ocean absorbs gases which protect us from global warming, the ocean is a source of food and a source of medicine. Unfortunately our human actions are harming the oceans. Many of the species that live in the ocean are being destroyed by plastic which is polluting the oceans. We decided to stop and raise awareness of this during World Oceans Day. The children in Year 4 as part of World Ocean thought about the impact that rubbish especially plastic has on our oceans and seas. They found out that a lot of sea creatures especially the turtle are becoming critically endangered. They brought in rubbish from home and used this to create their own turtle collage.

Year 1 Litter Pickers!

The children discussed ways in which they can play their part in taking care of God’s Creation. We explored how we can be stewards in our daily vocation. Our Year 1 children pledged to make a difference at school and it was clear to see how a small thing can make a big difference to our environment. Not only does it look tidier but it’s also a much safer place for any visiting wildlife too! We created posters to make our message loud and clear and displayed these around our school grounds.

Year Six Landfill
Our Year Six children have been discussing Wally’s Quarry, Silverdale. They have written and performed news reports, presentations and a rap!

Taking Care of our Own Environment
We have been making sure that the earth around our feet is well nourished and taken care of. Year 1 planted seeds and nurtured them for many months until they grew and could be transferred from their pots into the ground.
Sharing Produce from our Environment
It was very rewarding harvesting our vegetable crops from our school garden. The crops had been planted by our gardening club earlier in the year. We successfully grew potatoes, green beans, red peppers and chillies. All of the produce was given away to very grateful families in our school community.